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TJ Wasden

Business & Entrepreneurship

About TJ Wasden

TJ Wasden is a leadership and management expert based in Austin, Texas. From training all levels of employees to testifying in legal settings to addressing professional conferences, TJ fuses real-world management skills with visionary leadership to draw out the best in people and organizations, all while leveraging limited resources and meeting tight
budget targets.

All things said and done, TJ Wasden has over thirty years of experience in his industry. His specialties include managing, leading, and collaborating with people to achieve operational improvements and meet goals. Those who know TJ say his ability to implement visionary leadership skills has been critical to their success. For example, TJ’s previous boss was sad to see him leave (due to retirement), knowing that he was losing out on a valuable employee. 

TJ Wasden is the Principal Owner of Circlewide Services LLC. Circlewide is a leadership and management consulting and training firm – this is the perfect creation for someone like TJ. This new company aims to create an ever-widening circle of people (networks) trying to improve the world. Leaders and managers have the unique opportunity to push changes and new goals, putting them at the forefront of this goal. Leadership is essential for guiding individuals and organizations toward their goals, fostering growth, and inspiring positive change. For this reason, Circlewide will always focus on their betterment and training. 

It’s worth knowing that TJ Wasden went into this latest endeavor with the confidence that only an experienced man can have. Before this goal, TJ worked for the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services. He worked there for twenty-four years before retiring. Over the years, TJ Wasden held several roles within the Texas Department of Family & Proactive Services. He started as a Child Protective Services Investigator (1998-2001) before becoming a Child Protective Services Supervisor (2001-2005). Following this, TJ became the Region 7 Hiring Specialist (2005-2006), then the East Central District Lead Hiring Specialist (2006). Most recently, TJ was Division Director and Records Management Officer (2007-2023). During this time, TJ instituted accountability for Records Management, eliminated a ten+ year backlog of records requests, and found improvements to a number of department-wide challenges.

Before joining the Protective Services force, TJ Wasden worked as a different kind of leader. First, he was the Director of the Youth Ministry Department for the University United Methodist Church (89-94). Following this, TJ became a Business Administrator for the Trinity United Methodist Church (96-98).

TJ Wasden made a point of obtaining his education before chasing after his professional dreams. He started with a bachelor’s degree in Social Work, which he earned through the University of Texas at Austin. He later returned to this same school to earn his Master’s in Social Work. TJ’s school emphasized cultural diversity and inclusiveness, driving a vital lesson home early in TJ’s life. It went on to serve him well during his career. 

TJ Wasden’s professional experience has opened many doors, giving him unique opportunities to perfect his skills. He has experience in team building, training, volunteer management, research, software documentation, strategic planning, and more. 

To learn more about TJ Wasden, visit TJ Wasden’s Arts & Culture Website.